Secangkir Kopi

Pada sebuah cerita dimana hanya seorang guru yang tahu.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

10 myths in affiliate marketing

There are 10 myths in affiliate marketing. I just read the post. It is quiet interesting that people believe in false starts in making traffics. So whatever mentioned below, according to the writer, all is false. Let us see what they are:
  1. It costs money to get into affiliate marketing.
  2. It takes a lot of time to maintain affiliate pages and blogs.
  3. There is no money to be made, because the market is already saturated.
  4. You have to have hundreds of thousands of monthly visitors to make any decent income.
  5. You have to place links to relevant content on your blog.
  6. Fancy banners and images have to be used.
  7. You have to know terms and have good copy to sell your product.
  8. You have to have a lot of content to make the most form your traffic.
  9. You have to pay for traffic.
  10. Affiliate marketing is right for me, since I have a blog.
For a conclusion, it is not because of the affiliate marketing we make for our blogs. It really deals with good content and a reasonable balance between the ads and content.


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Thursday, June 11, 2009

SEO Expert yang tidak pernah gratis

Kitanya sih masih saja amatir selama domain blog yang kita punya adalah free. Dengan bermodal dengkul bergoyang saya rasa blog kita tidak bisa optimal. SEO tools yang dipakai blogger hanya akan efektif dan menghasilkan jika transaksi membership dibayarkan.

SEOExpert berikut yang baru saya temukan menawarkan banyak kelebihan. Tarif bisa lumayan untuk blogger gratisan. Jangan dulu ahh. tunggu dapur mengebul dulu.



Thursday, June 4, 2009

You have got to read this

There are 10 myths in affiliate marketing. I just read the post. It is quiet interesting that people believe in false starts in making traffics. So whatever mentioned below, according to the writer, all is false. Let us see what they are:
  1. It costs money to get into affiliate marketing.
  2. It takes a lot of time to maintain affiliate pages and blogs.
  3. There is no money to be made, because the market is already saturated.
  4. You have to have hundreds of thousands of monthly visitors to make any decent income.
  5. You have to place links to relevant content on your blog.
  6. Fancy banners and images have to be used.
  7. You have to know terms and have good copy to sell your product.
  8. You have to have a lot of content to make the most form your traffic.
  9. You have to pay for traffic.
  10. Affiliate marketing is right for me, since I have a blog.
For a conclusion, it is not because of the affiliate marketing we make for our blogs. It really deals with good content and a reasonable balance between the ads and content.


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