Secangkir Kopi

Pada sebuah cerita dimana hanya seorang guru yang tahu.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Pencarian file pdf dan ebook

Satu cara pencarian file pdf dengan mudah. Itulah kesan saya pertama kali menemukan search engine ini. Bagi saya sendiri, search engine ini sangat berguna dan perlu sekali dijaring alamatnya.

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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Hunting for thousand ebooks for free

Whatever search engine you use now, you can have abundant of ebooks for in the internet. Ebooks can be a wonderful start for online bussines. I always do searching for classic literature in the fom of ebooks. I am an ambitious reader of ebooks in various genres, though. I can grasp them easily from the web, and later I can use them in my clssroom when I teach English for Indonesian students.

Tonight, my search started from Google. I created some links for this blog.

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