Secangkir Kopi

Pada sebuah cerita dimana hanya seorang guru yang tahu.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Lama tidak mengupdate blog

Orang lain menganggap aku sudah setengah gila. Mereka tidak pernah bisa memahami aku, karena memang bukan itu yang mereka inginkan. Mereka hanya mau aku berhenti melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan yang tidak pernah bisa lakukan. Mereka hanya mau aku bersikap seperti kebanyakan orang. Masalah ini pula yang mereka harapkan ketika aku sudah cinta banget dengan kegiatan ngeblog.

Di lingkungan tempat aku bekerja sedikit sekali orang yang bisa memberikan contoh yang lebih baik dalam masalah ngeblog. Di lingkuang yang lebih luas lagi, aku dianggap sebagai orang yang langka. Sungguh terasa menyedihkan.Ketika aku demen dengan blog yang aku buat, ekspresi-ekspresi bebas selalu muncul di blog yang aku buat. Mereka kaget dengan apa yang aku tuliskan. Mereka tidak pernah membayangkan adanya orang yang tidak sejalan dengan pikiran-pikiran mereka. Aku dianggap terlalu vulgar. Itulah istilah yang sempat aku tahu dari seseorang.

Ketika facebook juga menjadi jalan hidupku, ada orang yang merasa risih dengan update status yang aku ungkapkan. Satu dua orang menjadi seperti kebakaran jenggot. Karena mereka tidak bisa menjangkau dunia komunikasi yang sudah aku rambah, maka mereka saling mendukung untuk manjatuhkan derajat ketenangan batinku di dunia lain. Hidupku menjadi tidak nyaman. Dan ... dengan terpaksa aku sedikit mengendorkan kegiatan ngeblog.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Syukuran atas hidup hari ini

Tuhan menyayangi seluruh ummatNya. Termasuk aku. Inilah keyakinanku yang tidak pernah luntur. Meskipun banyak sekali dosaku, masih saja ada rahman dan rahimNya yang menyambangi setiap saat.

Teman-teman yang ketemu aku di minggu ini selalu mengatakan: "Sabar, Mas! Orang sabar akan disayang Tuhan." Mereka begitu ingin mengucapkan simpatinya kepadaku. Aku tak perlu dan tak boleh merisaukan apa saja yang telah diperbuat pimipinan sekolah yang selalu berusaha memarginalkan keberadaanku di sekolah. Aku tidak pernah mendapatkan tempat aman di lingkungan yang dikuasainya. Aku sudah merasakan pahitnya, tetapi aku harus bersabar.

Hari ini aku mengadakan syukuran atas kebesaran kuasa Ilahi. Aku masih bisa bertahan dengan rahman dan rahim. Aku masih bisa tegar untuk menatap hari esok. Tiada yang patut dipuji kecuali Allah, dalam situasi apapun juga. Baik dan buruk kita pasrahkan, sebab Allah yang Maha Kuasa.


Friday, June 19, 2009

Interested in thinking skill articles

I was just back from the campus. I stopped by the computer room to get my favorite book. It is "Devevolping a Thinking Skills Program". After I got the book I didn't start to go home. Instead, I turned on my computer and searched for "thinking skill" at Among what I have got is the interesting links for teacher. They are:

  1. NWArchive with its "Teaching Thinking Skill".
  2. AdPrima, a website full of Education Information for New and Future Teachers.
And, thank God. I have to go home now. It is 17.37 in the afternoon.


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Monday, June 1, 2009

You are not approprite to teach here!

A friend of mine, also a teacher, happened to say something she thinks about me. As we are at the same school here, she said: "I think you are not appropriate to teach here."

This statement of course made me confused. I have been teaching in this school for about ten years now. Never people say that kind of statement. Only after the new headmaster sits in his chair, some people have suggested the same thing. "It is better for you to move away! There are good things you can do out there. While you are here, there is only few things, trivial ones. Your chances will come if you want to move away."

To the teacher I said: "I am here because I believe that nobody is perfect, so perfect that there is nothing to learn. For me, there are three steps we need take in turns. First step is to be a student where we do studying so that we are the knower, the abler, and the well-informed. Second step is to be doer as a leader. Only after we get the knowledge do we lead to make any dream comes true. With the knowledge in hand, we can perform a better life. The rest is to be a teacher, that is to share we have in mind and in experience."

Is it wrong if I happened to be here for a long time now? The lady teacher is well-informed about my position at this school. As many other people have seen, after the new headmaster sits in his chair, I am among those who become the victims for the bad leader. I have noted four bad lucks because of him. Is it I who should move from this school? Even if he is the bad thing at school. I am sure he will just ruin the school. Just wait for the time.


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Monday, May 4, 2009

A Big Learning Community At School

School is a complex setting in which teachers and students are engaged in teaching and learning activities. In one hand, teachers have been regarded as the givers while the students are the receivers. Teachers are the knowers and the students are the blank papers. This is among old perspectives of how people understand the relationship between teachers and students.

The perspective should now be changed to a more comprehensive one. All members at any school need to make sure the fast growth of information and knowledge. The ones who keep the information will rule the world. Only people who are willing to update the knowledge they have who will not be left behind. Knowledge is the king. Either teachers or students should realize the need to be quick in changing. All should build a learning community. All should never stop learning. There is a big learning community at school.


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